Education for All

Education for All

Providing access to quality education for students.

Supporting learning

  • We make available 13,100 educational On Demand videos, with over RM136 million invested over the past 13 years on our TV platform. These include favourites such as our flagship Astro Tutor TV and Astro Ceria channels.
  • Astro Kasih piloted a community reading programme with MyReaders and AjarLokal in FY24, aiming to provide literacy intervention to children in B40 communities. All students that were onboarded successfully completed the 20-week programme with an average additional reading time of 21 hours per student. A vast majority, or 93.3% of these students achieved growth in overall proficiency for their reading skills based on their year group.
  • Astroawarded a total of seven scholarships in FY24 for B40 tertiary studentspursuing their degree in local private and public universities, with a focus onskill sets and qualifications related to the media entertainment industry.