Responsible Business

Astro's Board of Directors sets shareholder interests first, and sees that the management continuously creates value by keeping a long-term view as well as maintains high standards of responsibility and ethics.

Corporate Governance

Our Corporate Governance practices are aligned with the best practices under Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 (MCCG) and the Main Market Listing Requirements (MMLR) to the extent practicable. We also prioritize cyber security and data privacy, tax integrity and transparency, diversity and inclusion, as well as workplace safety.

Workers' Wellbeing

Fostering diversity, inclusion and human rights

  • Astro respects the rights and well-being of our employees and the community we impact through our actions. We are committed to providing a workplace that is free from harassment and bullying so our employees are respected and can thrive in a safe and inclusive workplace and culture. There are internal policies and structures in place to provide employees and talents a safe environment to report any inappropriate behaviour.
  • In FY24, all 59 cases (FY23:107 cases) lodged relating to breaches of policies and procedures, harassment and negligence as well as other issues were fully resolved. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations including the Employment Act 1955.
  • We recorded an average of 10.3 hours learning hours per employee across all learning platforms, up 35%. We encourage Team Astro to take responsibility for their professional development, facilitated through a comprehensive array of learning formats – virtual, in-person, instructor-led, and on-the-job training, including: