Voice for Good

Amplifying positivity through community messaging.

Bringing Positivity

  • Utilising our multiplatform reach on TV, radio and digital, we broadcast 7,770 hours of public service announcements (PSA) and over 2,000 hours of ESG-related content in FY24 to raise awareness on crucial environmental, social, civic and governance issues.
  • Recognising the power of sports in uniting people, Astro broadcasts inspiring stories for our National Day (Merdeka) campaign. Our #DemiNegaraku capsules featured Lego Sam, a Gold Medallist at the SEA Games 2023; Pavitrah, the Best Young Player in the 2022 sooka Netball Super League; Mohd Rizzua Haizad a talented Malaysian hurdler; and Syaqiera Mashayikh, Malaysian archer and 2020 Summer Olympics qualifier, as they proudly represented Malaysia on the international sporting stage.

Raising ESG Awareness

  • We launched our RimbaKita initiative and created a dedicated On Demand rail filled with a library of impactful environmental documentaries like The Conservationist, Bornean Elephants – A Journey Through a Living Landscape, Wang Kelian, and Finding Solo and many more. Our hope is that through these documentaries, Malaysians will be more informed about environmental challenges and be inspired to work together for a sustainable future.
  • Astro AWANI via AWANI Green Action fostered a strategic partnership with UN Habitat, the United Nations programme for human settlements and sustainable urban development, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
  • Awani continues to focus on ESG, UNSDG and content and campaigns to combat climate change across Astro AWANI’s TV and digital content offerings including coverage of the United Nations Habitat Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya; COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and extensive flood coverage in the East Coast and Southern Peninsular (Johor).