
Contributing towards the social well-being of our communities.

Astro Hostel

  • We continue to serve the three Astro Hostel school communities, which we established in 2010 to support students living in remote interiors, by providing an environment conducive for learning.
  • In FY24, 375 students at SK Magandai and SK Malinsau in Sabah, as well as SK Sungai Paku in Sarawak benefitted from our educational initiatives. These hostels also collectively enabled 206 students from these schools to save about 113,000 hours per year in commuting time that can be repurposed towards educational activities. We also provided an education incentive worth RM500 each for the top three students in each of our hostels to motivate them to achieve academic excellence.

Uplifting Our Community

  • In FY24, Astro invested over RM329,000 in community impact programmes involving 27 charities. Among the notable contributions made were to the Humanitarian Trust Fund for the People of Palestine and donating 1,000 servings of bubur lambuk to 120 individuals from two orphanages and single mothers’ associations at Masjid Nurul Ehsan Taman Medan during Ramadan.
  • Astro continued to support the development of local artistes through its contribution to the Krishen Jit Fund.
  • We harness the passion of Team Astro by including staff volunteers in community initiatives and collectively contributed 2,232 hours of volunteerism in FY24.

Astro Kem Badminton

  • Astro takes an interest in promoting education through sports with Astro Kem Badminton (AKB), which to date, has trained 19,600 children between the ages of 10-12 years.
  • InFY24, 1,600 children participated in our badminton camps nationwide with the top 50 talents selected for the Final Training Camp and Tournament in Kuala Lumpur.
  • As testament to the positive impact of AKB on Malaysian badminton and the part it plays in inspiring young players, 40 AKB alumni currently represent Malaysia on the national team.