Astro AEC To Create More Compelling Content IPs In The Digital Space
Astro AEC To Create More Compelling Content IPs In The Digital Space

Astro AEC To Create More Compelling Content IPs In The Digital Space

Astro AEC to create more compelling content IPs in the digital space

News and infotainment portals add to the fresh lineup for young, digital generation

Kuala Lumpur, 25th May 2017 – Malaysia’s premier Chinese language channel, Astro AEC celebrated its 20th anniversary with a stronger branding of the channel, including a new line up of compelling local content and digital initiatives on all screens, to cater to the increasingly digital lifestyle of its viewers. 

TH Chong, Astro Malaysia’s Group Director of Media Sales said, “Over two decades, Astro AEC has become a pillar of the Malaysian Chinese community, in keeping with its continuous commitment of sharing information, appreciating culture and celebrating education achievements across our TV, radio and digital platforms. With proven results in our content centric multi-platform solution, strong brand integration and digital-first initiatives, our team remains focused on continuing to expand our horizon and evolve our offering, together with our esteemed advertisers and agencies.” 

Today, 2.1 million loyal viewers are enjoying the best of on-screen entertainment and information on Astro AEC every month on linear via Astro and NJOI; on demand via Astro GO and the new NJOI Now, as well as on its social and digital platforms. 

Astro will continue to deepen and differentiate its Chinese content vertical with new signature IPs such as popular singing reality show, The Voice; first late-night variety show, Call Me Handsome; regional street dance competition, Asian Battleground; and a new sitcom starring Astro’s talents and webrities (web celebrities) which will be available on TV and via live streaming on mobile and online, targeting the younger audience and their digital lifestyles. 

Exploring a fresh concept of addressing bold topics, Call Me Handsome recorded 8.5 million Facebook views and 760,000 YouTube views in its inaugural season and returns for second season, promising even more audacious themes, featuring jaw dropping, good looking male guests from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. For the first time, fans can watch the unedited, raw content through 8 fan cams live during the show filming, immersing themselves in a personalized experience like never before. 

Another content IP, Asian Battleground will once again go beyond Malaysia to host auditions across Asia. Besides attracting thousands of participants and spectators on-ground, the show is now an international dance IP which attracts interest from Singapore, Vietnam and various Asian countries, with judges made up of world-renowned dance celebrities. 

Following the success of Evening Edition and Prime Talk, Astro AEC will further reinforce its capabilities across web and mobile with a plan to introduce a Chinese news and infotainment portal in the months to come. 

In addition, XUAN (, with an average of 1 million unique visitors and 4 million page views per month, is now the #1 Chinese entertainment portal on Astro, resonating with the young, digital generation. The refreshed XUAN intends to bring more M.I.X (Made In XUAN) digital content from celebrity news and showbiz headlines, to K-pop news and lifestyles.

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Astro AEC为年轻人打造更多新颖节目和数码内容

(吉隆坡25日讯)Astro AEC迈入开台20年,继续与本地华裔观众“共享生活”,除了强化旗舰节目,也积极制作了一系列更切合时下年轻人生活方式的新颖节目,以及更多数码内容。 

这些年来,Astro AEC伴随观众关心时事资讯,传承文化传统,推广教育成就,分享生活中一段又一段精彩时光。Astro AEC每个月拥有210万忠实观众,透过Astro和NJOI的电视频道,观赏精彩的娱乐和资讯内容;随着数码技术不断发展,越来越多个人用户已透过Astro GO和最新推介的NJOI Now免费视频串流服务,以点播方式选看或下载节目,甚至是上社交媒体和数码平台收看Astro AEC的内容。 

Astro中文部总监王小萍表示:“我们在内容研发及制作方面一直努力不懈,并尝试迎合年轻观众的喜好和生活方式,包括把节目内容迁移至数码平台。从受到新马两地观众高度瞩目的《The Voice决战好声》到大马首个深夜限制级综艺节目《叫我男神》,我们不断超越极限,大胆挑战自我以求新求变,为消费者带来更个人化,且随时随地可收看的内容。接下来,我们在Astro AEC的内容制作将锁定‘夯、异、敢、炫’四个元素,以求贴近年轻人的脚步。” 

从9月起,全马观众将可追看到底哪一把实力好声能获《The Voice决战好声》导师转身。与mm2和StarHub联合制作这项新马大型选秀歌唱比赛,Astro也非常期待发掘具有潜质的歌手,为娱乐圈栽培人才。好消息是,《The Voice 决战好声》最终优胜者将获发行单曲,具潜质的选手都有机会获得一纸唱片合约,一圆你的歌手梦!另外,萧慧敏将与另一位新加坡艺人携手主持,正式成为跨国节目主持人。 

高颜值综艺节目《叫我男神》自去年播出,并成功引起全城及网络上热烈讨论后,终于将在7月初帅气回归。第二季节目将升级为全马第一个深夜18禁综艺节目,大胆挑战禁忌主题、养眼画面和辛辣话题。除了原有主持人林德荣和网络女神Michiyo何念慈,本季节目还会找来新加坡演员兼主持人Jaspers赖宇涵,加盟检视男神的行列。为满足观众不同的需求,节目首次在录影进行中,前所未有地设置多达8部粉丝镜,让粉丝得以透过专属镜头零死角欣赏个人最爱的男神,或一些幕后花絮、漏网镜头或限制级画面。此外,《叫我男神》将在正式开播前,率先透过Astro GO和OD线上独家播放 “特别限制版:帅女男神”,让网民先睹为快。 

Astro AEC今年也将投入制拍处境喜剧《95搭8》,由Astro艺人连同人气网红美女担纲演出,预计12月启播。以幽默手法呈现的《95搭8》讲述三个95后职场新鲜人与80后破产族,努力从谷底翻身的励志故事。每一集故事将涵盖与时下年轻人息息相关的工作和生活话题,除了电视播出,也在数码平台与社交媒体,播放短片或独立单元,吸引广大网民的关注。 

连续办了三年的亚洲街舞盛事《亚洲舞极限》将在Astro AEC登场,也会继续冲出海外,在亚洲各地举办海选。除了吸引逾千名舞者的踊跃参与和现场观众的围观,《亚洲舞极限》也在去年成功外销至新加坡和越南,并继续与其他海外伙伴开拓更多空间。 

在人手一机的科技时代,Astro AEC将强化其新闻团队能力,在用心制作《八点最热报》和《新闻报报看》之际,也计划在不久后增设一个全新的中文新闻网,以趣味手法和深入浅出的报道方式,锁定年轻观众。 

Astro旗下的中文娱乐网XUAN和Astro中文视界将整合成一个更全面地数码娱乐平台,以XUAN 为主要品牌定位,除了继续带来新鲜热辣娱乐八卦,更策划了多个新原创FUN 视频系列,包括用100 秒Fun视娱乐头条的《Fun薯报到》、大胆创新话题一窥女神们真心话私密语的《女神talk》、分享吃喝玩乐的《Jio你哦!》以及网罗一周韩流星鲜事的《OH!XUAN韩流Channel》。