Astro announces Tunku Ali Redhauddin as new Chairman

Astro announces Tunku Ali Redhauddin as new Chairman

Tun Zaki retires from the Board upon conclusion of the Annual General Meeting


The Board of Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad (Astro)today announced Tunku Ali Redhauddin Ibni Tuanku Muhriz who currently serves as Independent Non-Executive Director on the Board to succeed Tun Zaki Tun Azmi as the new Chairman of Astro effective 23 June 2022.

Tun Zaki Tun Azmi who has served as Chairman of Astro since its listing on Bursa Malaysia in 2012 retires upon the conclusion of Astro’s Tenth Annual General Meeting tomorrow. He said: “As Chairman of Astro, I have been privileged to have worked alongside some of the most creative, innovative and passionate teams in the industry.  I am particularly pleased with the progress of Astro’s transformation journey to date, as the Board and Management rose to the challenges of, and capitalised on the opportunities from an evolving media industry. FY22 was an exciting year for Astro, with many new and innovative products launches, such as the ‘all-new Astro experience’ via the Ultra and Ulti box, ‘Plug & Play’ box capable of running solely on broadband, mobile-first streaming app, ‘sooka’ as well as Astro Fibre, our very own high-speed broadband offering.”

“Having served on the Board for more than 9 years, it is timely to pass on the Chairmanship, and I congratulate Tunku Ali on his new appointment. I am confident with the continued support and commitment from the Board and Team Astro, Astro will be able to grow from strength to strength under his leadership. I would like to thank my fellow Board members and all Astro employees for their support throughout an engaging and fulfilling journey with Astro. Last but not least, I would like to extend my appreciation to esteemed customers, business partners, vendors and shareholders for their unwavering support, confidence, patronage and friendship.”  

Tunku Ali Redhauddin said, “I am honoured to be appointed by the Astro Board as its new Chairman. Astro is a leading Malaysian brand whose name is synonymous with great content and entertainment, delivered using innovative technology. I look forward to working with the Board and management on the next step of Astro’s journey as we continue to solidify our position in the industry, with our customers at the core. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Tun Zaki Tun Azmi for his leadership and contribution to the Group over the years.” 

Tunku Ali holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History and Social & Political Sciences from University of Cambridge as well as a Masters in Public Administration from the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. In2013, he was recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and as an Asia 21 Young Leader by the Asia Society. 

Currently, he is Chairman of Bumi Armada Berhad and Taliworks Corporation Berhad and also sits on the boards of Bangkok Bank Berhad, and Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad. As a Senior Advisor to TPG Capital, he sits on several portfolio company boards including Pathology Asia Holdings, CVS KL, XCL Education Malaysia, and Columbia Asia.  

He is also Chairman of Yayasan Munarah, Teach for Malaysia, Cancer Research Malaysia and WWF Malaysia, and a Trustee of Amanah Warisan Negara (National Heritage Trust of Malaysia). At the same time, he is Pro-Chancellor of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Marlborough College Malaysia, and a Brigadier General and Commander of a Regiment in the Territorial Army of Malaysia.