Astro’s ‘Time to Evolve’ campaign Supports SMEs in uncovering opportunities amid challenging landscape

Astro’s ‘Time to Evolve’ campaign Supports SMEs in uncovering opportunities amid challenging landscape

KUALA LUMPUR, 9 August 2021 – The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been facing an unprecedented disruption when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world more than a year ago. Astro continues its effort in supporting the affected enterprises with the launch of Time to Evolve campaign featuring experts from various industries who will share professional insights to help the SMEs in searching for new business opportunities.

Astro has always been committed in assisting the SMEs with initiatives including Reignite SMEs’ contest under its Business Talk umbrella, ‘#MELODYSupportsSME’ programme by MELODY and ‘XUANBah!’ e-commerce platform. Through these initiatives, business owners were offered free advertising packages to gain optimal exposure for new business opportunities leveraging Astro`s high penetration.

This year, Astro introduces the Time to Evolve campaign with the ‘Watch, Learn and Evolve’ tagline, which focuses on helping SMEs to identify their weaknesses and turn around to survive the pandemic.

Wong Siah Ping, Vice President of Astro Chinese Customer Business said, “With the pandemic going on for more than a year and the nation undergoing a prolonged lockdown, transformation is unevitable especially for the SMEs. We hope to be able to help these enterprises in observing, learning and evolving from the crisis in order to revive their businesses."

Business Talk returning for the 4th season with new host line up

After 3 sucessful seasons in a row, Astro AEC signature Business Talk is returning for the 4th year. The latest instalment of Business Talk will see Gan Jiang Han and his new partner, renowned financial and current affairs DJ Xiao Ma hosting together with a new lineup of experts from various industries, helping the SMEs to discover new business opportunities.

The popular talk show will tackle challenging business topics from navigating economic uncertainty to seizing opportunities amid adversity. Expect entertaining conversations that uncover real insights as the industry experts share their unique perspectives. Business Talk 4.0 will premiere from 16 August 2021, every Monday at 9:30pm on Astro AEC (HD CH306) and Astro GO.

To help providing an all-round solution to SMEs in this new season, viewers can also scan the QR code that appears on Business Talk 4.0 to submit questions related to the topic of the show. The experts will then answer the relevant questions via Facebook Live on Hotspot FB page the day after the show’s premiere (from 17 August 2021, every Tuesday at 9pm).

A series of exciting business programmes and activities will be unveiled to support SMEs

Besides Business Talk 4.0, joining Astro Time to Evolve campaign will unveil a series of new programmes and activities including Astro Equipped to Evolve Webinar – a virtual seminar by experts in various aspects to support SMEs and furnish them with the right tools, techniques and knowledge in adapting to uncertain economic climate. Under the ecosystem, there will also be Free Online Courses catered to different business sectors.

Brand new series Small Business Big Ideas, which provides microentrepreneurs with more knowledge, from the fundamental skills and information such as how to register for their businesses to the allocation of shares and more. Viewers can also expect to see the return of SME Great Helper 2.0, a reality show showcasing mentors who are ready to give advices and help struggling SMEs turn their businesses around.

Stay tuned for more exciting business-oriented content and activities from Astro! For more information, visit #AstroTimeEvolve

《Astro力挺SME — 扭转企业行动》


(吉隆坡9日讯)疫情来袭重创各行各业,国内首当其冲的中小型企业(SME)更是在一年半的抗疫行动中尽显疲态,重重困境让业务暗藏危机。Astro持续秉持力挺SME宗旨,宣布启动《Astro力挺SME - 扭转企业行动》并推出一系列精彩内容与活动, 引领各领域专家分享专业见解及知识,协助马来西亚中小型企业在疫情之下衍生的商业新世界里寻找转机,开创商机。

Astro一直致力于利用自身的媒体力量,透过旗下各主要平台全方位的协助大马中小企业度过疫情冲击下的难关,当中包括于去年通过其商业资讯节目《企业大联盟》推出「百万力挺SME竞赛」 ,还有通过中文电台推出「MELODY支持中小型企业活动」以及数码平台的「XUAN吧!」等,本着为企业主提供百万免费广告宣传,利用Astro的高渗透率协助企业主开创新商机。

今年,Astro 延续秉持协助本地中小企业共度难关精神,启动《Astro力挺SME - 扭转企业行动》着重于带领企业主看见业务弊病,成功转型以度过疫情困境。



《Astro力挺SME - 扭转企业行动》中打头阵的正是Astro原创商业资讯节目《Astro企业大联盟4.0》,一个专为中小型企业而设的财经节目。延续过去三年好口碑,本季节目将以研讨商业生态为导向,每集邀请各大企业翘楚和专家导师上节目剖析时下热门商业话题和难关,带着中小企业主看见危机、寻找转机、开创商机。



一共13集的《Astro企业大联盟4.0》将从8月16日开始,每逢周一晚上9时30分播出。一如既往的,每集节目将会设定一个时下最热主题,如:旅游业如何绝处缝生?、网络创业,如何建立网络品牌、疫情改革,饮食业如何突破新消费模式、因疫情大爆发的行业 — 线上教学等,再根据主题邀请相关专家或是企业主上节目进行讨论,让观众从中一窥与学习专家们在商场上的智慧与才能,并活用在现实情况中。



除了《Astro企业大联盟4.0》的启播和其脸书直播活动,在《Astro力挺SME - 扭转企业行动》下,Astro也将为中小型企业、正想踏入商界的创业家、微型企业等打造了更多的活动和节目,并陆续在下半年登场,其中包括齐集各路专家分享企业课题的《Astro网络独家论坛》、为不同领域特设的免费线上课程、还有为微型企业主提供更多知识,从最基本的如何注册到股权分配等等的相关资讯都知无不言地与观众分享的《小生意大学问》。值得期待的还有手把手领著企业主进行企业转型的《企业棒帮忙 2.0》也即将回归,陪伴SME在疫情下闯关。密切期待Astro各种商讯相关的精彩内容与活动!

欲知更多有关《Astro力挺SME - 扭转企业行动》详情,请随时关注 的最新消息。#Astro力挺SME
