

4 April 2018, Kuala Lumpur – DUKUN, the most anticipated horror thriller makes its debut on the silver screens nationwide in Malaysia and Singapore starting 5 April 2018. The movie, which was completed in 2007 and directed by prominent director Dain Said, stars a line-up of famous stars including Datin Seri Umie Aida, Faizal Hussein, Namron, Hasnul Rahmat, Elyana, Sofi Jikan, Allahyarham Ramli Hassan, Bront Palarae, Chew Kin Wah and Jason Chong.

Astro Shaw once again delivers a prestigious and high-quality work of art. Packed with universal values deemed relevant to all walks of life, DUKUN presents a story of human’s sinful greed for wealth and beauty, their thirst for power and social status and even the desire and obsession for eternal youth through the work of black magic (‘syirik’ and ‘khurafat’).

Astro Shaw brings forth aesthetical and commercial value, along with a strong script, a solid storyline, a band of experienced team that works miracles in front and behind the camera, coupled with a 360-degree promotional framework across multiple platforms, promising only the best for its audiences.

Head of Astro Shaw, Najwa Abu Bakar, said “DUKUN deserves its time on the silver screen, and to be watched by all. The script brought forward from the film is adamantly intriguing, and the story behind the tale is very close to our society since the times of our ancestors. For greed in the world, there are amongst us whom would choose a path that leads us astray; one which abstains from our religion and beliefs until one day, it will end in tears and bloodsheds. DUKUN is a classic in its messages and values, that it remains relevant to this day. Astro Shaw is grateful to the Film Censorship Board of Malaysia (LPF) for its guidance in screening the movie. DUKUN will be available in 90 cinemas nationwide starting tonight, and we would like to thank all Malaysians for their strong support of this long awaited movie. We started advanced sales on Monday, 2 April and ticket sales have been very encouraging.”

Najwa continued, “In producing high quality films, it is given that much effort is put into research and findings to make the storyline compelling and believable. For DUKUN, the research and fact-check phase has not only included cases in reference to Malaysia, but also from other countries as well. The result of the film is a fusion of ideas and imagination of script writers and DUKUN director, Dain Said. Dain Said and his team of experts have successfully created a masterpiece that’s truly exquisite. Congratulations to the team!”

Meanwhile, director Dain Iskandar Said expressed his excitement that his work of art will finally meet fans. “Prior to its release, DUKUN has undergone a digital remaster to produce the best sound, colour and visual, and deserves to be watched on the silver screen. I am utterly proud with the finishing touch of the film, and I hope that this masterpiece will get the recognition it deserves.”

DUKUN intercepts issues often portrayed as taboo, inferring how far society will go to believe superstitious beliefs such as khurafat and syirik that goes against the progress of a country, as well as the advancement of Islamic teachings. DUKUN is projected as an eye-opening film, and a work of art that creates awareness of the chaos that assumes when we indulge in such acts.

Dukun delves into the journey of lawyer, Karim, who has lived a difficult life through depression, being emotionally unstable, and struggling to come to terms with the loss of his loved ones: his wife, Sara, and daughter Nadia. Trying to mask his emotions and balance his career, Karim takes on a case with an accused murderer, Diana Dahlan. Diana demands her release and in return, promises to find Karim’s lost daughter. Diana is brought to court under suspicion of being involved in a murder case. The discovery of a corpse in her home reveals the activity and practices of black magic in order for her to remain beautiful and powerful. Some say that in addition to singing at the nightclub, Diana is also a Dukun (shaman) who has a special stick originating from the Batak clan. Karim agrees to help Diana Dahlan in the hopes that he will meet with his child. Through the trial and investigation conducted by ASP Talib, Diana’s innocence is shattered and there is a high possibility to convict Diana with murder. However, a desperate Karim tries to support Diana for his daughter’s sake. Karim does not want to lose his child like how he has lost his wife. It’s a tale about the lure of riches, power, eternal youth, beauty and the blood one must spill to achieve this.


Umie Aida : Diana

Faizal Hussein : Karim

Nam Ron : ASP Talib

Hasnul Rahmat : Danni

Elyana : Nadia

Adlin Aman Ramlie : Dato’ Jeffri

Sofi Jikan : Fadzli

Ramli Hassan : Daud

Bront Palarae : Shah

Chew Kin Wah : Prosecuting officer Dato’ Angus Lim