全马首档中文众筹真人秀《投吧!合伙人》4月1日 Astro AEC来袭!

全马首档中文众筹真人秀《投吧!合伙人》4月1日 Astro AEC来袭!


(吉隆坡29日讯)企业家需要资金扩充企业,要如何筹募资金? Astro与大马最大中文众筹平台 MyStartr 强强联手,为观众带来全马首档中文众筹真人秀《投吧!合伙人》,以紧张刺激、充满趣味和挑战性的方式,破天荒的让创业者们在电视荧幕前展开一段烧脑的竞技,打开本地真人秀的全新面貌!


由MyStartr创办人兼首席执行长吴文彬发起的《投吧!合伙人》酝酿三年,终于与一直秉持力挺SME精神的Astro落实了项目合作,并由小马担任节目主持人以及邀来三位本地成功企业家,包括用8年时间创造超过10亿 佳绩的CUCKOO International 创办人兼总执行长KC Hoe许健川、五年的时间内实现了指数级增 长,现在在马拥有 800 多家门店的本地珍珠奶茶品牌 Tealive 创办人Bryan Loo吕伟立,以及2020 年销售额高达马币4亿8千万令吉,业务范围横跨全球60个国家的Khind机兴集团执行主 席郑秉吉,来担任节目的明星导师,向创业者们甚至是全马观众传授高度机密的商业技巧!


《投吧!合伙人》从去年底公开招募全马各地的参赛企业,并收获将近200位企业家报名参赛,历经数轮筛选后,最终12组企业家杀出重围成为节目中耀眼的焦点。他们分别是从夜市卖到即将上市的榴莲王国「Dking」、创办全马首家线上儿童冷冻健康食品品牌「Zoey's Homemade」、获得全球独家专利技术的燕窝品牌「燕窝王」、全国拥有三百家分店的物流巨头公司「Parcelhub」、站在新风口之上的宠物善终服务「Piepie Pet Memorial」、大马首个drivethru的国民美食品牌「Kejap Food」、为解决水果盛产过剩而创办的「Suka Fruit」、全马最多超声波服务地区的「Sonobee Ultrasound」、哺乳失败的痛而造就商机的「Shapee」、MCO期间崛起的生鲜电商「城市渔夫」、申请政府津贴的线上平台「Jom Earn Global」,以及把板面制成方便面的Malaysia Books of Record销量记录保持者「Meet Mee」。


由Affin Bank为主要赞助的《投吧!合伙人》即是大马史上首档中文以‘众筹’为主题的真人秀节目,也是大马中文众筹界的首档实景考核节目。集合三位明星导师在商业界的权威力量,为创业者们提供指导和启发,还有12组创业者为了这场竞技,毫不犹豫放下老板身段,摩拳擦掌,烧脑力又消耗体力,还要扛住接二连三残酷考核的巨大压力,甚至还将各自企业内最机密的财务报表等等的商业机密搬上电视荧幕,期盼能通过该真人秀拓展其企业版图,实践梦想!而观众更可以在节目中了解到不同领域的创业经验和故事,掌握更多实用的创业技巧和方法。


12组创业者将在《投吧!合伙人》里面临三个阶段的残酷考核,包括首阶段在毫无预警的情况下展开的“电梯路演(Elevator Pitch)”和必须临场准备的“商业模式九宫格”、还有三回合的战队对决“众筹核心”考验,以及最终将向100位大众投资人进行路演的“众筹发布会”,究竟哪位企业家可以冲破重重难关,成为最终的大赢家?


另一方面,当中两组创业者「KejapFood」与「Meet Mee」也即将通过MyStartr平台进行股权众筹,让大众能以小额进行投资成为他们的股东!为帮助更多企业主拓展生意版图。同时,Astro与节目的指定电台MELODY也将推出“百万力挺SME -《投吧!合伙人》电台版竞赛”,为企业主提供百万免费广告宣传,并利用Astro电台的高渗透率协助企业主开创新商机。企业主只需在4月10日起至5月7日呈交有关的创业提案,即有机会赢取该总值百万的电台广告配套!


Astro一直致力于利用自身的媒体力量,透过旗下各主要平台全方位协助本地中小企业共度难关,充分体现同舟共济、共体时艰的精神。《投吧!合伙人》即将于4月1日起,每逢星期六,晚上8时30分,于Astro AEC(频道306)、Astro Go和OnDemand 火热登场!更多有关《投吧!合伙人》最新消息,敬请留守指定电台MELODY或关注AEC 面子书或浏览www.businesstalk.com


== ENG==

KualaLumpur, 29 March 2023 - Astro and MyStartr, Malaysia's fastest growingequity crowdfunding platform, have come together to present the nation’s first-everChinese-language crowdfunding reality show, The Sandbox. Twelveentrepreneurs compete for crowdfunded resources in an intellectuallystimulating competition unlike any other. After three years in the making, thisground-breaking local format provides a new perspective on local reality showsand promises to revolutionize the Malaysian entrepreneurial landscape. TheSandbox premieres at 8.30pm on 1 April exclusively on AstroAEC (Ch 306) via TV, Astro GO and On Demand.

Initiatedby MyStartr's founder and CEO Goh Boon Peng three years ago, TheSandbox has been brought to fruition through Astro's collaboration. Theshow is hosted by Xiao Ma and features three successful local entrepreneursincluding, KC Hoe, the founder and CEO of CUCKOO International whoachieved over RM1billion in revenue in 8 years; Bryan Loo, the founder of Tealive whoexpanded to over 800 stores in Malaysia; and PK Cheng, executivechairman of Khind Holdings Berhad with a sales revenue of RM480 million in 2020across 60 countries worldwide. These three business leaders act as the show’sstar mentors, to offer valuable business insights to aspiring entrepreneurs andviewers alike.

Outof the hundreds of contenders from around the country, 12 innovativeentrepreneurs will take centre stage in the upcoming show. Among the 12enterprises featured in this show include a durian seller who has taken hisbusiness from a night market growing it to become an empire; a health foodcompany that was founded to raise money for a divorce lawsuit; a brand that holdsthe exclusive rights to a world-patented technology in bird's nest production;a logistic giant with 300 nationwide branches; a pet funeral service;Malaysia's first drive-thru service selling local food; and more.

Additionally,on The Sandbox, two entrepreneurs behind local businesses, “KejapFood” and “Meet Mee”, who are about to launch equity crowdfunding campaigns onMyStartr, will also offer interested investors from the public opportunities toinvest small amounts in these businesses, and become their shareholders.

Overthe course of the show, the 12 entrepreneurs will face three stages of gruellingtrials on The Sandbox. The first stage kicks off with an unexpected"Elevator Pitch", followed by an on-the-spot preparation of a"Business Model Canvas”. Next up is the three-round team battle of the"Crowd Funding" challenge, culminating in the "GrandFinal," where the remaining entrepreneurs will present to 100 publicinvestors.

Asthe competition intensifies, participants will push the boundaries of theirstrategies to earn top recognition for their businesses. Some will even divulgeconfidential financial records and trade secrets to gain an edge over their rivals.Apart from exploring different aspects of entrepreneurship, viewers can gainpractical expertise and techniques, and also engage in stories of triumphs andsetbacks. With their status aside, the 12 entrepreneurs will courageously takeon the challenging tasks set before them, sacrificing their mental and physicalenergy to complete each assessment while facing intense pressure. One out ofthe twelve will overcome the obstacles and emerge as the ultimate champion.

Furtherto this initiative and commitment to support local SMEs, Astro Radio’s MELODY,one of the programme’s radio partners, will launch “Million-Ringgit Supportfor SMEs - The Sandbox Radio Contest” from 10 April to 7 May, offeringparticipants a chance to win a radio advertising package worth a total of onemillion ringgit.  

TheSandbox is sponsored by Affin Bank. New episodes will premiere at8.30pm, every Saturday on Astro AEC (Ch 306) and Astro GO. Customers can streamepisodes anytime, anywhere via On Demand. For more information, visit the Astro AEC Facebook page and www.astrobusinesstalk.com.
